Tuesday, February 9, 2010

dogs and goddesses..

aritu cari novel RAM terbaru..9Nyawa....tpi habis..laku bah..kesian deh sbb elon lmbt kluar aritu..ter 'miss' sdh novel RAM..huhu..round2 Popular (bookstore)..nmpk novel English ne.hehe..cam comel jak..so beli la..lgipun hrga dia murah...bole la jln cerita dia..tpi yg bestny novel english ne hahahahaha..ahem..baca la sndiri klu mo tau..haha

ne sinopsis Dogs and Goddesses

when three woman take their dogs to a Kammani-Gula obedience
class, they learn more than they'd bargained for..

Abby..has just arrived in summerville, Ohio, with her placid Newfoundland Bowser
but she's soon brewing up trouble with magical cookies, and steaming up her
life with a young professor...(c abby ne aku suka cerita dia ngn ne

Daisy..and her hyperactive Jack Russell Bailey. her very ordered world spins
out of control when she gets involved with a mysterious dog trainer.

finally Shar..professorr of ancient history, wakes up one day to find
her neurotic daschund Wolfie snarling (baru terkentut...hahahaha)smb..at a
god sitting at her kitchen table.

what on earth is going on in this unearthly little town? it's up to Abby, Daisy
and Shar to find out....jeng3

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