ok tuk tdk mengecewkn diri sendiri..aku telah membeli dua buah lagi novel LITTLE BLACK DRESS..tadaa
besalah buku LBD ne cover dia smua kiut2..jln cerita pn ok..bole laaa..hhmm decide mo buat koleksi yg mnghbiskan duit..beli dua teruss ne kununya stu mo baca tem cuti..but now..huhuhu..smua sdh hbis baca..huhu..
antr dua ne yg pling diri ini sukai yg buku sebelah kiri..hehe..ceritny cam inspired by novel PRIDE N PREJUDICE n oso SENSE N SENSEBILITY..ooo Mr Darcy..ooo Mr Bingley (buat suara mngjuk ckp2 dorg dlm muvi..hehe..btul2 merapumerepeksdh)haha
berikut merupakn sinopsis kedua novel ini:
First book...
young beautiful Lady Caroline Elmhurst is down on her luck. Twice-widowed, pursued by creditors, she needs to get back on track before the world realises how desperate she's become.
but she's optimistic about finding a new husband and when she meets handsome, mysterious Nicholas Congrevance at a houseparty in the country, she sets out to entice him.
Nicholas simply sees Lady Caroline as just the sort of woman he's used to exploiting (kira cam gigolo la bah dia ne..tpi tiapa smua org akn sedr juga d akhirnya..he)smb but NEITHER ONE REALISES the OTHER iS PENNILESS- and NEITHER has any intention of FALLING in LOVE.. d syorkan utk d baca jika and minat filem PRIDE N PREJUDICE..he..
Second Book..
Physic ( d cne mksud dia tukng ramala..) Clair Ivars has a flair for reading tarot cards, yet a blind spot when it comes to predicting his her own future-especially matters of the heart (mmng benda susah pn). which might explain why she's suprised to find herself engaged to vodka magnate Jack Heron after knowing him for a few hours..(klu mo tau knp..baca sendiri k)..
what it doesnt explain, however, is an increasingly strange series of events, from the car that off-road of its own accord, the appearance of Jack's fairy-tale castle- and Clair's potential mother-in-law, who's hiding one hell of family secret. and its definitely doesnt explain the way Clair keeps thinking about Jack's business partner-the mysterious and infuriatingly sexy Mike (hahhh mmng sexy..i liked..hehe)
ok..dats ol for now..jmp lgi d bulu..eh buku LBD seterusny..he..sepa ad novel besstt English tolong rekomen..
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